A Play Teaching the Holocaust, Tolerance, and Courage

Written by Wendy Kout


What New York Audiences Are Saying

“Your performance inspired me to try to make the world a much happier and safer place.”
-Kirra K, Student, Victor Junior High

“From the first moment I saw the actor speak my husband’s story, I was so gratified that the playwright was able to capture his spirit and values.”
-Sheila Gissin Weinbach, Widow of Kurt Weinbach, Survivor

“Telling these stories is essential to keep us from repeating tragedies. This had great impact.”
-Terry Fonda Smith, Head of Lower School, Harley School

“The actors did a tremendous job…the play was powerful, meaningful and very educational.  It humanizes and personalizes the tragedy of the Holocaust.”
-Michael Dobkowski, Department of Religious Studies, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

“The actors were amazing and the play was powerful, painful, and truly inspiring.  When we returned from the play,  we continued to make meaningful connections from the past to our lives and our world today.  It was indeed a great educational experience!”
-Leda, School Without Walls

What Philadelphia Audiences are Saying

“It was inspiring.”

“You’re telling the story of those who can’t anymore, as well as helping other people see the hope in their situation and ask for the help they deserve.”

“I am glad that you came to our school and presented that beautiful play. I’ve learned a lot more than I would have if I was just reading about it in class.”

“Just absolutely mind-blowing.”

“May it be Holocaust or the invasion of Ukraine, each generation faces problems. The past may have the key to the future. Why learn from the past? Why learn from the Holocaust? Simple. Because history repeats itself.”

“Amazing. Thank you so much.”

What Canadian Audiences Are Saying

“It was such a powerful and moving message, so honestly portrayed by the actors through the testimony of the Survivors. It was heartening to see the deep commitment of so many to honor the history.”
Nicole Duncan, Trustee School District #61, Victoria, BC, Canada

“This eye-opening Holocaust play for middle and secondary schools has been performed by an outstanding young cast, to 1,000 students in the Victoria area.  We were lead on an emotional journey from hatred and horror to hope and triumph.”
-Sharon Fitch, President, Jewish Federation of Victoria, Vancouver Island

“Capturing the attention of an audience of teenagers is often not an easy task. However, there was a great deal of engagement with the students, and I know the play gave them many important things to reflect on.”
-Nick Poeschek, Director, Curriculum and Classroom Assessment, Learning and Education Programs Division
BC Ministry of Education and Child Care

Survivors is a dynamic and effective way to bring Holocaust history to life in the classroom in a way that is relatable to students. The play not only sheds light on the processes of antisemitism and hate that led to the genocide of two thirds of the Jewish population in Europe, but it also touches on aspects of human dignity and hope, as well as the resilience of the Jewish community in the aftermath of devastating trauma.”
-Helga Thorson, Associate Professor of Germanic Studies, University of Victoria

“An incredibly thoughtful and impactful piece of work that brings a terribly important historic event to light. Not only does this convey the importance and dangers associated with hate, prejudice, and racism – it also makes connections to the challenges and realities that people face today. This is a brilliant way of making history come to life, be interactive, and be poignant.”
-Geoffrey MacDonald, Vice Principal, Lambrick Park Secondary School

“This performance will change my actions moving forward because I will remember what I had learned from this play about how important it is to treat people with respect and kindness because you don’t know what their stories are.”
-12th Grade Student, Oak Bay High School

What LA Audiences Are Saying

“I’m a 95-year-old Holocaust survivor and frequent speaker on the subject, impacting thousands. I must tell you that your powerful play indeed fills a dire need to enlighten the vast ignorance in the larger public. For this noble effort I salute you and applaud your so impactful play, SURVIVORS.”

-–David Lenga
Spoken during the talkback of the LA premiere at the Museum of Tolerance

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